It can be difficult to define a successful entrepreneur? Open your browser starts, successful people Google-ing the economy and the search for common characteristics. To your knowledge, that makes them successful? Or maybe your team? What is the influence your parents? Happiness? You will soon realize that everything you see on the surface to be integrated with other attributes are not easy to recognize.
Many writers have their time to the definition of dedicatedSkills and qualities of a successful entrepreneur. Some have identified specific skills, some are invited to compare and identify each other and play with the question: What defines a successful entrepreneur? The answer to this question is even more important, were published after the results of the study by Dun & Bradstreet in 1977 showed that 50% of all new businesses within the first 5 years of operation do not, and only 20% still live in11. What happened to all the authors are aware of their studies and their discussion is that everyone has seen the business, but nobody can be certain of its characteristics.
Some of the properties found that successful entrepreneurs have an intense need to get for themselves and their families, an internal locus of control, the need for independence and / or strong leadership. But these qualities are key to business success? The need for powerwhich in turn creates motivation, willingness to work harder and longer, and produce positive results, high quality for the organization in which they operate. Many studies have tried to demonstrate the link between their need for personal and business under fire in recent years because of this feature was motivated not distinguish between employer and employee. In arguing that companies need the intensive, are defined for staffPower point, these studies indicate that employees are working hard entrepreneur.
What about the locus of control? The concept of locus of control was introduced by Julian Rotter in 1966. entrepreneurial studies chosen to define the internal locus of control as an additional element of successful entrepreneurs. Individuals with internal locus of control believe that control of their destiny and, by implication, the success of his new company. L 'internal locus of control is a necessary skill for a successful entrepreneur, but a successful businessman, other skills that the belief that business success depends on can add up.
Independence and leadership are the attributes of the literature recognizes as essential characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. Independence, in innovation to achieve development phase of business management ideasought success. Hand in hand with independence, effective leader encourages team work and obtain the necessary results of a company to succeed. Correlated with internal locus of control believes that a successful entrepreneur, he / she turn into a successful business idea to develop into an opportunity and want the best for the effective management of a team of experts in their fields.
As you probably already realized that integrating these skills with othersbut even if they are combined are not sufficient for successful entrepreneurs and their companies. The intense need for power is an important part of the personality of a successful entrepreneur, but in combination with the independence and leadership provides the motivation and drive to become entrepreneurs in training and ready to schedule the task correctly and completely. Other factors for a successful career as an entrepreneur by the parents, the experience of life, influence educationand career changes. But I want to discuss these factors in a future article.
Daniela Pavel graduated from the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest, Romania, and the MBA program from Fayetteville State University. He is currently the Master in Entrepreneurship Program at Western Carolina University. Webmasters and other article publishers are hereby granted permission for the article as long as this entire article, the information on the author to reproduce, and allLinks remain intact.
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